Most frequent questions and answers

STEMBot User Manual.pdf

CEENBoT Problem Diagnosis.pdf

Programming Using CEENBoT Commander.pdf

CEENBoT: My robot is broken. What should I do?

Below is a document with a number of common robot failure symptoms, possible causes, and solutions. Take a look to see if your robot can be returned to operation quickly. 

STEMBoT Problem Diagnosis V1.0.pdf

CEENBoT: Why does my remote controller not pair with my CEENBoT?

If you are using the Playstation remotes, turn both the robot and the remote off, then try re-pairing. Be sure to click the “Start” button on your remote and then you should be good to control the robot. 

CEENBoT: What should I do if I receiver an error message when trying to trying to upload programs from Commander to my STEMBoT?

First, make sure the battery is charged and that the BoT is turned ON throughout the programming process. 

Second, in the commander app, make sure you have the correct programming interface selected. To do this, click File –> options –> Target –> select the programming interface you are using. If your programming interface was bought before 2018, try selecting “AVRISP MKII”. If your programmer is from 2018 or newer, please select “USBTiny”. 

Third, check the programmer connections. One end of the programmer goes to your computer (MAC OSX or Windows). The other end connects to the STEMBoT circuit board. If any of the connections are not right, or if the programming cable is turned 180 degrees (so the cable runs past the wireless remote socket), the robot will not program. 

CEENBoT: I want to write my own programs and don’t want to use the drag and drop CEENBoT Commander. What do I do?

You can write C programs for your STEMBoT using the Atmel AVR Studio software package, or you can use open source development tools such as Eclipse. Here is the Atmel AVR Studio download. Information on installing and configuring Eclipse, Java, WinAVR, and AVREclipse plug-in is at:  STEMBoT Programming in C with Eclipse and WinAVR V1.0.pdf

GENERAL: I need to replace some robot parts. Are these available?

Yes, CEENBoT and STEMBoT replacement parts are available through our online store.

PAYMENT: What forms of payment do you accept?

Visa, MasterCard, check, EFT, and Paypal.

PAYMENT: I have a tax-exempt ID. How should I use it?

When checking out form our online store, there’s an option to input tax-exempt status and furnish the ID. This will automatically clear taxes from the final amount. Alternately, you could email support@stembots.com with a list of items you’d like to purchase and your tax-exempt ID and invoice will be generated to reflect that.

GENERAL: How do I purchase items from CEENBoT, Inc?

You can place an order from our online store or you can request an invoice by emailing support@stembots.com with the list of items you’d like to purchase.

GENERAL: Can I buy replacement parts for my robot?

Yes, CEENBoT and STEMBoT replacement parts are available through our online store. If you require parts that are not available from the store, you may email support@stembots.com for further support.